Saturday 25 January 2014

EVENT IN PROGRESS: The Edge of the world Exhibition

Greetings one and all. My staffing debut back in the shop started 29 minutes ago. It's the afore mentioned The Edge of the World exhibition and I am learning now why it's been such a hit. The second I walked in I found myself surrounded by some incredible pieces of individual and unique art. A moment in which I must pat somewhereto_ on the back, tonight our beloved shop is really a testimony and credit to talented 16-25 year olds and proof that the high street heist is such a wonderful, kind and fruitful project / movement. 

I write sitting and counting the intake of audience members. I may appear to be a bit rude and look like I'm texting but so be it, this needs to be advertised. 

Got a spare half an hour? Resist the pub for a bit to come and support young local aber talent. Not one to miss! 

Here are just a few examples... (Real creditations and information AND more examples to follow post-event) 


Thursday 23 January 2014

somewhereto_ return!

What's this I see before me? A blog? A bright, bright yellow blog?! Oh what a long time it's been! 

Frankly, I don't really think I need to ask if you've missed these (at times) incomprehensibly excitable posts because that really does go without saying! But as I have at times explained in previous posts I was doing the ever impossible task of being a graduate that doesn't sit about and complain about the job market. No no I did bigger and better things! I had to become a grown up, that's right friends, I have grown up (sort-of) sadly my job wasn't to volunteer in the shop full time, as lovely as that would have been, it was not! So instead of complaining about the job market I got myself a job. I drove to and from Cardigan everyday day for a few weeks (sadly didn't have time to say hello to the lovely somewhereto_ volunteers down there! But here is a belated greeting for yous love,Hello!) and became a fully trained, full time support worker. Three months down the line and I've had enough time to find my feet as a grown up (I've even had a hair cut so that it's, dare I say it 'more managable') and I'm now settled enough to get back on the somewhereto_ wagon! 

So! Well, guess who's back in the volunteer business! Your favourite friendly voice of the somewhereto_ restore shop here in aber, it's almost like a resurrection I suppose?! In which case, let's name today Easter Thursday, seems like the only logical and comprehensible thing to do to me. 

There's been many an exciting thing since I had my hiatus / evolution / ..growth spurt? Whatever it was, what I'm trying to say is that somewhereto_ did continue in my absence (how you ask? Honestly, I don't really know!) There's a whole other restore place here in Aberystwyth; next to boots just round the corner of the lovely deliverer of somewhereto_ in Wales, Arad Goch. There's been numerous successful events in the shop including a completely full and almost over loading house last Saturday for an exhibition which I hear was incredibly lovely. So lovely infact that this Saturday they're back to the original restore place of 4 Northgate Street. 

Journey to the Edge of The World art exhibition presents their last event in the shop, a night of spoken word performance, of poetry, story telling and film. If you're into contemporary art then dare I say it, as with all events the shop has ever homed this is not one to miss. Funded by O2 - Think Big. (Hey, if it's good enough for O2 then it's good enough for you.) you certainly need to postpone your already made Saturday night plans and take a few hours to get down to this event. Or you know, just to see my pretty face back in action with somewhereto_ that's fine as well. 

Here are the details for you to remember! 
7pm - 9pm 
4 Northgate Street.

Get involved! - 

It's good to be back, hope to see you all soon! 
