Thursday 23 January 2014

somewhereto_ return!

What's this I see before me? A blog? A bright, bright yellow blog?! Oh what a long time it's been! 

Frankly, I don't really think I need to ask if you've missed these (at times) incomprehensibly excitable posts because that really does go without saying! But as I have at times explained in previous posts I was doing the ever impossible task of being a graduate that doesn't sit about and complain about the job market. No no I did bigger and better things! I had to become a grown up, that's right friends, I have grown up (sort-of) sadly my job wasn't to volunteer in the shop full time, as lovely as that would have been, it was not! So instead of complaining about the job market I got myself a job. I drove to and from Cardigan everyday day for a few weeks (sadly didn't have time to say hello to the lovely somewhereto_ volunteers down there! But here is a belated greeting for yous love,Hello!) and became a fully trained, full time support worker. Three months down the line and I've had enough time to find my feet as a grown up (I've even had a hair cut so that it's, dare I say it 'more managable') and I'm now settled enough to get back on the somewhereto_ wagon! 

So! Well, guess who's back in the volunteer business! Your favourite friendly voice of the somewhereto_ restore shop here in aber, it's almost like a resurrection I suppose?! In which case, let's name today Easter Thursday, seems like the only logical and comprehensible thing to do to me. 

There's been many an exciting thing since I had my hiatus / evolution / ..growth spurt? Whatever it was, what I'm trying to say is that somewhereto_ did continue in my absence (how you ask? Honestly, I don't really know!) There's a whole other restore place here in Aberystwyth; next to boots just round the corner of the lovely deliverer of somewhereto_ in Wales, Arad Goch. There's been numerous successful events in the shop including a completely full and almost over loading house last Saturday for an exhibition which I hear was incredibly lovely. So lovely infact that this Saturday they're back to the original restore place of 4 Northgate Street. 

Journey to the Edge of The World art exhibition presents their last event in the shop, a night of spoken word performance, of poetry, story telling and film. If you're into contemporary art then dare I say it, as with all events the shop has ever homed this is not one to miss. Funded by O2 - Think Big. (Hey, if it's good enough for O2 then it's good enough for you.) you certainly need to postpone your already made Saturday night plans and take a few hours to get down to this event. Or you know, just to see my pretty face back in action with somewhereto_ that's fine as well. 

Here are the details for you to remember! 
7pm - 9pm 
4 Northgate Street.

Get involved! - 

It's good to be back, hope to see you all soon! 


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