Friday 27 September 2013

EVENT: Buzz's Birthday week set.

Aberystwyth university's dance music society Buzz are celebrating their 4th birthday this week, they've been burning the candle at both ends since freshers began as a means of promoting themselves as much as possible as the genuinely talented DJS they are. Today in the shop we were lucky enough to experience a more chilled out but equally as epic afternoon set before their final freshers blow out tonight, by the sounds of today's warm up they will be going out with a bang. Unfortunately and fortunately I had to to promote the shop at an event / talk up at the uni, so I did miss the bulk of today's sets but what I did hear I got very into. Will certainly be making an appearance at the boys final birthday bash to tonight.

Not all that much more to say, you really need to experience it for yourself, I've been to their nights in the Angel Inn before and they have never failed to deliver a top evening of music and dancing. They're getting a good rep about town, don't miss out!

Get involved:


Facebook, like like like, share the love: BUZZ

Thursday 26 September 2013


Tonight, in the shop, we have The Paper Club, aka, somewhereto_ draw on the walls to music. Myself and a few others spent the last few hours covering the wall in paper (and getting it as flat as possible; not as easy as anticipated, big shout out to all those who can wallpaper effectively.) The evening shall exist as follows, we've made a stage area, complete with lamps drilled into the walls (oh Bazza, you manly man) upon said stage area there shall be live music and upon said paper covered walls audiences are encouraged to draw their responses. All those years of not being allowed to draw upon walls as a child and now we're blowing it wide open!
* * * * * * *
Two hours since opening and I must say that this is one of the most interesting events I have ever been involved with, or been to. There's an array of instruments dotted about the place and musicians never far away, we've been through a series of genres but all with a wonderfully creative feel. The walls are quickly being filled with peoples reactions to the music, to their days, to the project, to the people. The most unique type of wall paper that I have ever seen.
The people we have to thank for this evening are: Liz Falton, Nick Troull and Joe Gardom. Inspired by an event from their home town called 'Drink n Draw' and a wonderfully creative evening it has been. Speaking straight from the heart here, there is not enough places (anywhere, not just here in Aberystwyth) that enable people to allow their creativity to run riot. Not long ago I witnessed something that I never knew could ever happen. Two complete strangers met, person A asked person B if he wanted to play guitar to his vocals. Person B agreed, they then proceeded to play together for at least an hour, something went right somewhere because it was genuinely beautiful music, hilariously light hearted and included songs about 'Alison with no legs' but all the same, beautiful and beautifully quaint.
The most communal and inspired jam of the evening included:
- 2 x acoustic guitars
- 1 x bass guitar
- 1 x bongo drum
- 1 x saxophone
- 1 x keyboard
- 1 x harmonica
- & countless voices.
With any luck the drawings will be left up for the next few days. Come in and check them out. Or better, go to their next event. October 13th in the Coopers Arms. Have been talking a lot to the organisers and if we're lucky we'll be sorting monthly or fort nightly Paper Club evenings, I for one, am entirely hopeful of this happening!
- Pictures and videos of the event to follow later on or tomorrow.

Wednesday 25 September 2013


somewhereto_ take over the high street.

somewhereto_ check in

Good afternoon from Northgate Street! I have been quiet for a few days again, fear not however, for there hasn't been a secondary apocalypse (thank goodness, I have no idea how I handled the first one quite so calmly and smoothly..) We've merely been horrendously busy and inundated with requests, sign ups and interested parties, as well as our own jobs and social lives, but this is a good thing! Nay! A great thing!!

It is Wednesday afternoon; two days after our opening on Monday which went really, really well if I do say so myself, even better than we'd have hoped for. We were full all day and booked in shed loads of 16 - 25 year olds for the up and coming months. We have a day of Shakespeare coming up, artists, photographers, musical rehearsals, writers meetings, open mic nights. Everything you could ever want in an empty shop at the bottom of Penglais hill here in Aberystwyth.

If I say so myself it's been a real Cinderella story, this shop was a messy disaster when we came in and with two weeks hard graft, late nights and plenty of elbow grease the dream team have made it somewhereto_ be anything really, and she does look good! We didn't work on it this hard for it to be empty until February so we want everyone to get involved and get creative, or sporty, or political, or whatever it is you want to be. Email us at with your requests, or just a brief outline of your interests and talents for us create some kind of event for you. Or, even better, come in the shop and see us. It's almost guaranteed that there will be someone here all day, every day (that's just how perfect we are here.)

Spread the word, and the love! Find us here: 

Our first booking is this evening! The universities 'Lets Get Physical' physical theatre society are coming in to do their freshers demonstration. This DOES mean copious amounts of moving around and risk assessing on our part.. But it also means, we've got an exciting evening of theatre for you to come witness. Demo starts at 7pm. Come in to watch, get involved, or just scope out the space for things you could do, negatives most certainly out weigh the positives.

Don't be a stranger.

Sunday 22 September 2013

somewhereto_ give Shakespeare a new home

IT'S SUNDAY NIGHT OF FRESHERS WEEK AND GUESS WHERE WE ARE, yokos! No really, we're in the shop, as ever. Scrubbing, cleaning, building, organising and all the rest of it! We open tomorrow, tomorrow! It's here!

This past week has marked the time where I've had to give into the weather and stop wearing flip flops. I love flip flops and I was doing such a great job of sticking it to the man and continuing to wear them even in the bad weather. But now, it's officially boot weather so as a means of making me feel better I've have been walking around town and around the shop in my loudest boots. - somewhereto_ seem important.

Barrie is injured and his finger keeps reopening, he's blasting through our first aid kit like it's nobodies business. How inconsiderate. I joke. We hope it fixes soon Bazza!

The bookings for this week are a plentiful and although we don't officially have an event until Thursday evening we urge one and all to come in any day this week to come and sign up to volunteer or to pitch a creative idea for us, or if you just need somewhereto_ hang out we've made a right little hide out here, it's yellow, so very yellow, have I ever mentioned that somewhereto_'s signature colour is yellow? Thus we've had to paint / titivate the shop with mainly yellow, did I mention that? I hate to say it. I REALLY hate to say it but I genuinely do like the yellow now. There's EVEN yellow bunting. We're scrubbing and cleaning the floor and tidy tidy tidying ready for tomorrow.

Staging is coming in tomorrow and we are making our little performance space, that, dare I say it, is our last job to do before we're completely ready. I'd show you pictures today but I'll save it for the grand unveiling.

somewhereto_ open a shop for business. I thank you!

Our little makeshift family are off to have a take away and put the finishing touches to Gemma and Kyles flat, where they have been for a week now and as they're settled in it's time to bring the boys round, that's right Shakespeare (Billy) and Ted are moving into their new home this evening, which means, two out of three of the dream team house holds will have kitty's rather than just Barrie and Claire having a million in theirs, bitter sweet goodbyes!

I bid thee goodnight, what from locking myself out of my flat the other evening I have not yet caught up on sleep. Being the spinster of the group I live alone, thus if I forget my keys. I'm well and truly marooned. Part of me wanted to make a bean bag fort in the shop for the evening but I did not. I sofa hopped, living the high life. - check in again tomorrow after / during the opening.


somewhereto_ question the sex of a tshirt

It's the weekend here in Aber, well it's the weekend everywhere but especially here. I sit at the front of an almost completed shop upon a desk looking entirely like a receptionist sorting things out, we have T minus one day until the boss man returns from his holidays to assess our work and we're hoping that he is entirely pleased with the last two weeks work we have so lovingly done. There were many an argument over whether or not we needed a curtain to make two obvious divides in the shop, due to not being allowed to paint I was put in charge finding said curtain, thus I have found neither a curtain or not curtain to put in the centre of the shop. It's see through, it almost looks like I've provided somewhereto_ enter the moulin rouge, however it was my mere attempt to keep the shop open and welcoming and hey as the single one of the bunch I've got to do my part to keep the romance alive!

The boys have gone stencil crazy; so far they have stencilled, 16 times and I fear that there is more to be done, they've been let loose and they've got the creative buzz. They. Just. Won't. Stop. The last few days have seen me become obsessed with cleaning, I have white spirited the countertops so many times, to then just disinfect them to make them TIDY and CLEAN and SHINY.

We've requested some somewhereto_ merch so we can advertise the shop properly around town etc. it hasn't arrived yet but we DID find one tshirt in the many piles of pens, badges, post it's and the rest and I must say, Barrie and Kyle did a frankly superb job of modelling it. Get a load of these hunks..

Thursday 19 September 2013

somewhereto_ vandalise!

It's official, we've taken over the shop.. It's a heist!

somewhereto_ organise!

HOLA! Today has been full steam ahead upon mission tidy up! It's gone marvellously, the shop is looking great and we're all getting very excited. Booked a lovely acoustic act in for Saturday the 28th, getting flooded with emails and have had a keen artist in to chat to us about exhibiting, studioing and mentoring younguns. Things are coming together, you can smell the elbow grease in here. Well, elbow grease, white spirit and spray paint. I'm fully working the fashion of keeping writing utensils in my hair, an Arad Goch pen and a somewhereto_ pencil, how multi cultural and politically correct of me, sign of a designer at work. The over obsessive stage manager in me has been let loose on organising shelving units and cupboards, everything has a place and when I'm done, everything will have a label.. If only I was this pernickety in my own home, life would be far smoother.

Here are some more photographic updates of the day:

somewhereto_ stencil and flex

Slowly slowly catchy monkey.. It's finally looking like somewhereto_ restore and promote young talent. Hate to say it, but I'm even starting to like yellow a bit..

Somewhereto_ Make a fort

More backlogs from the past week. The Arad foyer has many a beautiful bean bag. Last week when I was ill and initially banned from painting (thus protesting) it all got a bit too much and I was forced by big brother Barrie to rest. Gemma took this as a photo opportunity, I'd avoided putting it up this long but I shall use it as proof of how hard us dream team are working.

Somewhereto_ Defeat the apocalypse.

There has been great back log of posts, I feel like I am letting you all down, I know you've probably been desperately refreshing the page in my absence.

For the past few days we've been convinced that the start of the apocalypse is upon us. I live ALONE and BT hate me and haven't yet sorted my internet out therefore I've been abusing my phones 3G as a means of emails etc. However, the 3G in Aberystwyth also went crazy and we've not been able to call or text each other AND the shop WiFi also went down it's been like living in the dark ages. I have not known what to do with myself. BUT NO FEAR the WiFi is back up and the phone seems to be slowly on the mend thus I can blog again.  - Doesn't undo the fact that I've texted just about everyone I didn't want to text throughout the last three days, my phone has been super chatty with everyone.

The main events happening in here at current is still painting. Paint paint paint. I've been banned from painting :( The boys think I'm too messy and therefore am official errand runner, tidy upper and adminer. RUDE. Today whilst being engrossed in general admin I missed the hissy fit that ensued due to the new pot of gloss paint being slightly too light.. the boys and Claire were not happy. B&Q have RUINED the somewhereto_ be perfectly matching yellow walls.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

somewhereto_be a window display

Mine and Bazzas day of work finished fairly pronto to go help Gemma and Kyle clean their flat; we attempted to escape the fumes of all the yellow paint, however. We were met with fumes of detol and other disinfectant friends. You know the drill when getting a new place, it is never clean. Safe to say that it is now clean and we ate far too much chinese food as a reward and celebration that we all have flats and we are all in Aberystwyth, we're like a very strange, very paint orientated sitcom. My feet are yellow. I can't work in shoes and we all know I'm clumsy thus I am almost a simpson.

Yesterday afternoon I started to paint over the front of the shop, ie. just inside the window. What colour is it I hear you ask? It's YELLOW. It was such a lucky coinky-dink. However me and Barrie were so on fire yesterday, powering through the to do list that we decided the fact that it is a slightly, ever so slightly different shade of yellow that it wasn't good enough therefore I have started to paint over the forbidden colour yellow with a base coat of white before we get the proper somewhereto_ yellow on there. Despite the fact that I was wearing a paint covered orange boiler suit and had numerous different shades and styles of paint in my hair this created a lot of attention and I was beeped, numerous times. Barrie didn't think this was sufficient reason to swap jobs so I proceeded to look like a window display for about two hours. Classy.

Got ourselves a booking for every Wednesday afternoon from opening to closing week, and by the sounds of it, our opening is shaping up to be an excitable event. Don't stop getting in contact though.. - there's room for everyone, if you're a musician, artist, juggler, stand up comic, anything, we have a space; a big yellow, black and white space for you to practice, show off or just have fun.

I must go be busy and important and leave the digi suite for the next people to use it.

For now. I will leave with this passing message, a song that is (quite rightly) always in my head at the moment..


Monday 9 September 2013

somewhereto_ make more things yellow!

From the normal five (Me, Bazza, Claire, Gem and Kyle) today there is two! Me and Barrie. Gemma and Kyle have finally sorted somewhereto_ live and after six weeks of hopping between mine / Claire and Barrie's sofas and floors they now have their own space for themselves, Billy and Ted to move to (Billy and Ted, kittens.) So the volunteer dream team (yeah I said it, we all know its true) consists of two couples and me; awwwwkwardddddd.

Kyle has lovingly brought us his PA system today so I have had music on sufficiently loud and have been singing too loud for my own sanity whilst adding the second layer of gloss YELLOW paint to the skirtings my hands are only slightly covered.. But the day is merely at it's beginning therefor there is time for me to cover myself again to then have to spend the evening scrubbing and covering myself in white spirit. Barrie has cleaned the windows and although they definitely need to be cleaned about fifty hundred times more the sheer amount of extra light that is now coming in id crazy.

Lots of email correspondences with the email address, got some music acts getting in contact but want lots more of everything! Get in contact and we'll fit you in. - Come into the shop and paint with us, why not!

Check in again later..

Sunday 8 September 2013

somewhereto_ get covered in paint.

The weekend is over and we're too tired to continue today, turns out there's not a great deal of ventilation in this shop thus the paint fumes are attacking in full swing, headaches all round! Second coat of white is done, I've made a chalk board wall, we've made ugly grey plastic walls white and the skirtings are almost entirely covered with ugly somewhereto_ yellow, which much to my annoyance (I have just graduated from three years of a design degree avoiding yellow) actually looks really good and is brightening the place up a lot.

I'm a messy messy painter it turns out, two days ago I had a completely orange boiler suit and now it is a hundred different colours, and not in a fun way!

Posters are being made to promote us in the window and in particular we're after musicians, if you're a band, a man and a guitar, an orchestra or a choir we want you to make an opening that people won't be able to walk past. If you're any of the above or have any kind of talent you want to show case as well as being aged 16-25 I'm full of requests! Get in touch at (oh yes, an email too, admin day today!) I promise I'm nice.

Slowly getting there! 2 weeks left!

somewhereto_wear overalls

It's a rainy weekend here in Aberystwyth so what better things are there to do than come into the shop and paint! It's Sunday morning and I have just got into the shop, I'm wearing an over sized (yet appropriately coloured) yellow jumper and flip flops and have curled up on one of the many bean bags to write this, somewhereto_ be cosey before the working day starts again.

Long day yesterday, long day of painting! We did the first coat of white, turns out there's a lot more wall than we'd anticipated and it took HOURS. Barrie and I utilised the orange jump suits we bought for a production many a moon ago, we looked good to say the least, we looked the part of painter decorator, anyway. I did timelaps this and it made a somewhat amusing video but as ever, technologies won't cooperate with me thus this shall not grace the internets presence until I have a slightly smaller to do list here in the shop.

Booking number two sorted, Claire Waterfield of Grey Feather Photography (Bazza's fiance!) has organised her weekend of collaborative exhibitionings. Slowly but surely filling time up.

Now, as it stands at the start of weekend day two, everywhere is white, clean and white. Ready for a second coat and to start getting accent colours involved. AND a chalk board to paint. Potentially the most exciting job of them all. Black board painting. One of the greatest inventions ever.

Barrie and myself went to B&Q to get some paint for the skirting boards etc. This is of course, to be the appropriate somewhereto_ bright yellow. BRIGHT. Not only did we look like a couple choosing paint colours, (sorry Claire, not intending to step upon any toes, a mere accident) we looked entirely colour - challenged asking the staff to mix the most ludicrous shade of yellow, in high intensity gloss, the shiniest of the shiny.

I should stop writing and get up to work. Lots more walls to paint. Embrace the yellow.

I'll leave you with a picture of the boss man finding somewhereto_ stay dry in the rain.

Friday 6 September 2013

somewhereto_start renovating an empty shop.

After a busy morning of software fighting with me, important meetings and my volunteer colleagues either being in lectures, fighting estate agents or being off out earning the bacons, its now another day here at 4 Northgate Street and its all hands on deck once again. We have more sets of hands this afternoon! In the form of Simon, the boss, regional delivery partner for somewhereto_ and Morgan, another volunteer, often in a tweed jacket and from what I understand, a talented musician. I've created an office area for myself, I have a desk and I feel very important doing my work, advertisement (aka spamming.) and blogging, once again flaking on the hard labour whilst remaining non- sweaty and clean. My complaints are minimal! Said desk is in the shop window, I'm getting repetitive double takes and strange looks for sitting typing away on my iPad in a seemingly abandoned shop. I am however, completely okay with this.

It's over whelming to say the least and what we're faced with seems like it's going to be an up hill struggle. Yesterday all holes were filled - literally filled at least a hundred holes in the walls up - and today the walls are being sanded down to an acceptable smoothness that paint will happily sit upon. Simon has lovingly brought over some sofas, bean bags and most importantly, some plants. Including a Japanese peace lily to brighten up the space, I've contributed by blowing up a couple of Arad Goch's balloons, it's the least I can do to brighten the place up a bit, who doesn't love balloons?!

Here he is then, our little slice of creative freedom and realm of possibility. This is the place that will be providing young people throughout aber a chance to show case their talents / passions and we're the team making it presentable. I think today is an exciting day and that there are many exciting days ahead of us!


Arguably, yes a bit of a mess at the moment! But as with everything in this life it's a work in progress! Had our first official booking today, a dance music DJ set has been penciled in and I am expecting exciting things from the two boys who've signed up there. Keep checking this blog for profiles on everyone who gets involved with somewhereto_ re:store [The High Street Heist] I'll even be shamelessly plugging my own works but this blog does allow me somewhereto_ do so!

Curiously, as I typed this blog much hoovering and tidying has been completed, they haven't however felt the need to clean around my area, I suppose whilst I slave away on journalism they feel as though I should do my own cleaning. It's Friday, and thus far my evening consists of a take away meal for one (I foolishly decided to live alone) and sketching ideas for the shop. Committed volunteers here at somewhereto_

I concur this to be a sufficient update, but with the fast pace movement of this renovation I shall no doubt return to my make shift office soon. I'll leave you with this lovely capture of Kyle and Bazza, my boys!