Sunday 8 September 2013

somewhereto_wear overalls

It's a rainy weekend here in Aberystwyth so what better things are there to do than come into the shop and paint! It's Sunday morning and I have just got into the shop, I'm wearing an over sized (yet appropriately coloured) yellow jumper and flip flops and have curled up on one of the many bean bags to write this, somewhereto_ be cosey before the working day starts again.

Long day yesterday, long day of painting! We did the first coat of white, turns out there's a lot more wall than we'd anticipated and it took HOURS. Barrie and I utilised the orange jump suits we bought for a production many a moon ago, we looked good to say the least, we looked the part of painter decorator, anyway. I did timelaps this and it made a somewhat amusing video but as ever, technologies won't cooperate with me thus this shall not grace the internets presence until I have a slightly smaller to do list here in the shop.

Booking number two sorted, Claire Waterfield of Grey Feather Photography (Bazza's fiance!) has organised her weekend of collaborative exhibitionings. Slowly but surely filling time up.

Now, as it stands at the start of weekend day two, everywhere is white, clean and white. Ready for a second coat and to start getting accent colours involved. AND a chalk board to paint. Potentially the most exciting job of them all. Black board painting. One of the greatest inventions ever.

Barrie and myself went to B&Q to get some paint for the skirting boards etc. This is of course, to be the appropriate somewhereto_ bright yellow. BRIGHT. Not only did we look like a couple choosing paint colours, (sorry Claire, not intending to step upon any toes, a mere accident) we looked entirely colour - challenged asking the staff to mix the most ludicrous shade of yellow, in high intensity gloss, the shiniest of the shiny.

I should stop writing and get up to work. Lots more walls to paint. Embrace the yellow.

I'll leave you with a picture of the boss man finding somewhereto_ stay dry in the rain.

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