Thursday 26 September 2013


Tonight, in the shop, we have The Paper Club, aka, somewhereto_ draw on the walls to music. Myself and a few others spent the last few hours covering the wall in paper (and getting it as flat as possible; not as easy as anticipated, big shout out to all those who can wallpaper effectively.) The evening shall exist as follows, we've made a stage area, complete with lamps drilled into the walls (oh Bazza, you manly man) upon said stage area there shall be live music and upon said paper covered walls audiences are encouraged to draw their responses. All those years of not being allowed to draw upon walls as a child and now we're blowing it wide open!
* * * * * * *
Two hours since opening and I must say that this is one of the most interesting events I have ever been involved with, or been to. There's an array of instruments dotted about the place and musicians never far away, we've been through a series of genres but all with a wonderfully creative feel. The walls are quickly being filled with peoples reactions to the music, to their days, to the project, to the people. The most unique type of wall paper that I have ever seen.
The people we have to thank for this evening are: Liz Falton, Nick Troull and Joe Gardom. Inspired by an event from their home town called 'Drink n Draw' and a wonderfully creative evening it has been. Speaking straight from the heart here, there is not enough places (anywhere, not just here in Aberystwyth) that enable people to allow their creativity to run riot. Not long ago I witnessed something that I never knew could ever happen. Two complete strangers met, person A asked person B if he wanted to play guitar to his vocals. Person B agreed, they then proceeded to play together for at least an hour, something went right somewhere because it was genuinely beautiful music, hilariously light hearted and included songs about 'Alison with no legs' but all the same, beautiful and beautifully quaint.
The most communal and inspired jam of the evening included:
- 2 x acoustic guitars
- 1 x bass guitar
- 1 x bongo drum
- 1 x saxophone
- 1 x keyboard
- 1 x harmonica
- & countless voices.
With any luck the drawings will be left up for the next few days. Come in and check them out. Or better, go to their next event. October 13th in the Coopers Arms. Have been talking a lot to the organisers and if we're lucky we'll be sorting monthly or fort nightly Paper Club evenings, I for one, am entirely hopeful of this happening!
- Pictures and videos of the event to follow later on or tomorrow.

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