Tuesday 10 September 2013

somewhereto_be a window display

Mine and Bazzas day of work finished fairly pronto to go help Gemma and Kyle clean their flat; we attempted to escape the fumes of all the yellow paint, however. We were met with fumes of detol and other disinfectant friends. You know the drill when getting a new place, it is never clean. Safe to say that it is now clean and we ate far too much chinese food as a reward and celebration that we all have flats and we are all in Aberystwyth, we're like a very strange, very paint orientated sitcom. My feet are yellow. I can't work in shoes and we all know I'm clumsy thus I am almost a simpson.

Yesterday afternoon I started to paint over the front of the shop, ie. just inside the window. What colour is it I hear you ask? It's YELLOW. It was such a lucky coinky-dink. However me and Barrie were so on fire yesterday, powering through the to do list that we decided the fact that it is a slightly, ever so slightly different shade of yellow that it wasn't good enough therefore I have started to paint over the forbidden colour yellow with a base coat of white before we get the proper somewhereto_ yellow on there. Despite the fact that I was wearing a paint covered orange boiler suit and had numerous different shades and styles of paint in my hair this created a lot of attention and I was beeped, numerous times. Barrie didn't think this was sufficient reason to swap jobs so I proceeded to look like a window display for about two hours. Classy.

Got ourselves a booking for every Wednesday afternoon from opening to closing week, and by the sounds of it, our opening is shaping up to be an excitable event. Don't stop getting in contact though.. restoreaberystwyth@live.com - there's room for everyone, if you're a musician, artist, juggler, stand up comic, anything, we have a space; a big yellow, black and white space for you to practice, show off or just have fun.

I must go be busy and important and leave the digi suite for the next people to use it.

For now. I will leave with this passing message, a song that is (quite rightly) always in my head at the moment..


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